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Close-up image of glasses placed on an eye chart, symbolizing the importance of eye exams and vision health.
Macular Degeneration

Understanding Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is an eye condition that affects 11 million people across the U.S. It impacts central vision, making everyday tasks like reading, driving, or recognizing faces more difficult. While there’s no cure, with early detection and some simple lifestyle changes, you can take steps to protect your vision. Let’s break down some key points

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Grey haired man wearing glasses searching for information on Macular Degeneration on a laptop computer
Macular Degeneration

Are You at Risk for Macular Degeneration?   

Macular degeneration is a non-curable but highly treatable eye disease affecting mostly seniors over age sixty. Dry and wet versions of the disease target nerve cells in the retina and can destroy the clear central vision used for reading and detailed tasks. If you are concerned about macular degeneration, talk to your eye doctor about your risks during an annual comprehensive exam.

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