Glaucoma Management
Glaucoma is one of the main causes of blindness in patients over the age of 60, though the onset can begin at any age. St. Lucie Eye offers the top treatment options, including management of the disease with medications and medical supervision.

Glaucoma Treatment Options
Glaucoma is caused by persistent and abnormally high pressure in the eye. This condition causes damage to the optic nerve, and gradually wears away at the health of the nerve. Glaucoma progresses slowly, beginning with the loss of peripheral vision. Ultimately, if left untreated, it can lead to complete blindness.
Glaucoma is one of the main causes of blindness in patients over the age of 60, though the onset can begin at any age.
Unfortunately, part of the reason that glaucoma is so common is that the initial signs and symptoms can be difficult to discern. Because the progression of the disease is so gradual, you may not even realize that you have it until your vision is irrevocably damaged.
At St. Lucie Eye, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive care that is the best way to combat glaucoma. From regular checkups and eye exams to a combination of tests that can determine your risk level for this disease, St. Lucie Eye is at your side. While the loss of sight that glaucoma eventually causes is irreversible, the disease can be treated, slowed down, or even halted. Once a diagnosis of glaucoma is made, there are several methods of treatment. Eye drops are effective, but various laser procedures may also be beneficial. St. Lucie Eye offers the top treatment options, including management of the disease with medications and medical supervision.
If you are over fifty, have a family history of glaucoma, or are of African-American descent, you are at increased risk for glaucoma. Keep in mind that no single test can completely diagnose glaucoma, and it is only by careful examination, including intraocular pressure and visual fields, among other tests, that we can adequately evaluate your ocular health.